Career Overview Archives - Md5decryption IT blog Mon, 17 Apr 2023 04:53:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Career Overview Archives - Md5decryption 32 32 Profession of Web Developer Mon, 17 Apr 2023 04:53:05 +0000 A website developer is an up-and-coming and in-demand profession. It involves creating new resources and maintaining existing ones. Web developers write code, test and evaluate…

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A website developer is an up-and-coming and in-demand profession. It involves creating new resources and maintaining existing ones. Web developers write code, test and evaluate the results. They work not only with ordinary websites but also with online banks, social networks and marketplaces, which are resources with a more complex structure and functionality. Their work is well paid, especially if the specialist is listed on the staff of the company.

Varieties of web developers

There are several varieties of web developers:

  • Front-end developer;
  • Backend developer;
  • Full-stack developer.

Representatives of this specialty are engaged in web-design, page layout, work with the client and the server side. The professional field is conventionally divided into several areas.
A frontend developer creates the visible part of the Internet resource. When a person enters the site of a taxi call, he sees a form for selecting a fare, making a route. All this is the result of the frontrunner’s hard work. His main task is to translate the finished design layout into code, ensuring the correct operation of the site, its adjustment under the user’s device.
Backend developer is responsible for the server side. Thanks to his work sites properly respond to the actions and requests from users. He makes sure that the resource when you enter the first letters when calling a taxi (for example) offered auto-complete options. This information is passed to the system from the server.
A full-stack developer is a versatile IT person, able to implement a personal web project without outsourcing. He also provides technical support for the finished resource or application.

What a web developer needs to know

A web developer must be proficient in a number of computer programs, the most popular among them: HTML, Java Script, CSS, PHP, React.
It is primarily a standardised language for hypertext markup, allowing web pages to be viewed in a browser.
New software products with tools regularly appear in this field. Sketch, for example, can be used as an alternative to Photoshop. It is a new graphics editor with a wide range of functions.
LiveStyle is used to edit CSS.
To successfully perform their tasks, frontend developer must master HTML, which is used to position text on the page.
In addition, he needs to know how to render the text using CSS style sheets.
Programming language JavaScript is needed to ensure the interactivity of sites.
A mastery of another programming language, TypeScript, which extends the capabilities of the previous one, is also a must.
A web developer should have an understanding of frameworks for the required language.
Of great importance is the ability to work with Bootstrap and Tailwind CSS – sets of ready-made elements that simplify the process of making simple pages.
A web developer will also need to understand the structure of the HTTP protocol, which is a set of guidelines for the exchange of information on the web. This gives users the ability to browse the web.
A skilled web developer should be able to work in graphics editors, export images and search for image dimensions.
They will need to know how to work with asynchronous requests, which ask the server for missing information and add it to the page.
The web developer must also understand the basics of network security, how to maintain it and how servers work so that sites work smoothly and keep in contact with their users.
Productive work as a web developer is impossible without knowledge of databases, the SQL query language, without the ability to use packet managers – special utilities that allow you to add third-party libraries to the site, expand functionality.

Prospects for the profession

The salary of web developers is more than decent. Its size depends on the experience of a specialist, in the state he works or on a freelance basis. Full-time employees usually get more.
The average salary of a web developer is 3000-5000 euros per month.
The profession is clearly a promising one and the salaries of specialists in this field grow as they develop their skills and gain experience. You can look quickly at a career, heading up the IT department of an organisation.
Employees of large international companies earn up to 8000 euros.

How to become a web developer

Training to become a web developer can be either paid or free. The best option is to graduate with a degree in web development. But that will take you as long as five years.
It is easier and faster to complete special courses, in which case the training will last a few months. You can find a lot of offers online from sites specializing in further education. Many learn from notes, books, take part in webinars with a teacher.
The most popular option is online courses. On such platforms, it is realistic to get the knowledge you need for your first job. Students in such courses are helped in writing their CVs and preparing for job interviews. Thanks to them, you can understand the basics of web development.
You can learn the programming languages on your own if you like.
At the end of the course, students will put together a portfolio of projects and start working in the specialty after 6 months of training.
If you decide to study on your own, you should find an experienced mentor, ideally a working developer. Special attention should be paid to practice, it is practiced by means of a book or simulator, which can be used to execute small projects. It is important to immerse yourself in the role of a web developer as much as possible, so you understand whether the profession is really the right one and whether it is worth developing further.

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Profession Graphic Designer Tue, 08 Feb 2022 21:21:00 +0000 A person in this profession finds visual solutions for designing urban environments (advertising posters, billboards, signage)

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A person in this profession finds visual solutions for designing urban environments (advertising posters, billboards, signage), styling printed materials (magazines, newspapers, books) and Internet resources, for branding commercial products or the companies themselves (logo, color scheme, set of corporate fonts), and for designing advertising blocks. His workflow includes not only doing hand drawings, but also the skillful use of graphic design software.

Personal qualities:

Possess good taste and sense of style
Think outside the box, be resourceful and inventive
Imagine how three-dimensional objects look like in space, develop visual memory
Draw conceptual sketches and models by hand
Be diligent and thorough
Have basic design knowledge and skills (construction of composition, basics of painting, work with color, types of graphic techniques)
be able to use special computer editors
Have an idea of the history of classical and contemporary art

Where to study:
To work in this specialty will necessarily require a higher art education. Moreover graphic design is a kind of art, and it requires constant extracurricular practice, as well as additional knowledge of the technical side of things (printing technologies, programming languages, HTML).

Pros and cons of professions:

Under free market conditions graphic designers are needed everywhere: attractive design is one of the components of the success of any commercial product The level of competition in this profession on the Russian labor market is very high, considering many self-taught designers
The work creates a field for creative opportunities Designers can not become an instant designer: you have to study long hours, and extracurricularly

Career, places of employment:
The main employers for graphic designers are:

Design studios and bureaus
Publishing houses or editorial offices with “prepress” function
Advertising, PR and branding agencies
Large firms with a separate design department
Owners of internet resources
Private employers
Salary can vary from 40 to 80 thousand rubles.

The difference between industrial and UX designer

Industrial design or industrial design has not only an artistic component, but also an engineering and design component. These designers determine the appearance and quality characteristics of future industrial products.

User experience (UX) designer analyzes the user experience of “communication” with the product and based on it proposes new visual and functional solutions.

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Profession PR-specialist Tue, 12 Oct 2021 21:20:00 +0000 A PR specialist is a person who is responsible for creating and maintaining a favorable image of a company or a project

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A PR specialist is a person who is responsible for creating and maintaining a favorable image of a company or a project. He or she organizes press conferences, interviews with company’s executives, actively promotes the brand in the media, prepares various PR-campaigns, analyzes their effectiveness and much more. Of course, creating a positive image of the company is very important for its promotion, so every medium and large company has at least one PR-manager. In addition, there are special PR-agencies, where one part of PR-managers thinks up how to organize events, and another part brings those ideas to life.

Personal qualities
The PR manager must be communicative, because his work involves constant communication with people. Also among the mandatory personal qualities of a PR manager can include organization, confidence, perseverance, general erudition. In addition, a PR specialist should have creative abilities and a sense of humor.

Pros and cons of the professions

The work of a PR manager is very creative, it is always necessary to look for new non-standard solutions. The pluses of this profession include the fact that such people do not deal with paperwork, their daily duties include continuous communication, so they do not have to be bored and sit still. On the downside, many professionals include heavy responsibility, irregular working hours, and dependence on other people. In addition, the image of a PR-specialist is not fully formed not only in public opinion, which is manifested in many stereotypes, but also with many supervisors. Often PR managers have to do the work of advertising managers, marketers, etc.

Very often a PR specialist is confused with an advertising manager, although there is still a difference between the two. A PR manager does not have the goal of selling a product, he only forms a favorable opinion of the company as a whole, increases its visibility, possibly introducing a new brand to the market. PR-manager is a PR, SMM, event-manager and analyst in one person, and advertising manager is exclusively an advertising manager.

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HR Specialist Mon, 27 Sep 2021 21:20:00 +0000 An HR specialist is a professional who deals with "Human Resources"

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An HR specialist is a professional who deals with “Human Resources”. He is the link between the company management, its employees and the labor market. HR works directly with people, selects the most suitable staff, manages human resources to fulfill the strategic objectives of the company, develops a system of motivation, training and staff development, creates a favorable corporate climate.

Personal qualities
High communication skills (the HR manager communicates not only with applicants during the interview process, but also with all line managers)
Basic knowledge of psychology (for effective interviewing, recruiting and team building)
Managerial and organizational skills (for personnel management and organizational development as part of the company strategy)
Knowledge of office work and document flow in the field of human resources
Knowledge of labor legislation

However in HR-industry there are no strict barriers for the graduates of non profiled institutes of higher education. The Russian practice shows that engineering graduates, business informatics specialists, scholars of humanities, psychologists and former military men can become good HR specialists. Work experience and practical professional skills are very important for this profession.

The role of HR in different companies is estimated differently. Sometimes it is reduced to personnel administration.

Salaries in HR rapidly grow. For example, a hiring manager in a new position can count on a 20% salary increase

HR specialists can find themselves in a crisis situation. If a company can no longer afford to engage in active recruiting, HR people, as office staff, will be the first to be cut.
HR allows not only vertical, but also horizontal career mobility. This profession does not require a clear division of specialists into market segments, because HR technologies are the same for all.

Where to work for HR-specialists
There is always a place for HR-specialists in companies with a well-established
HR-structure and professional employees on personnel management. The optimal way is to start a career in an independent HR department of a large or medium-sized company. Freelancing can be an interesting option for HR professionals. The exchange regularly adds remote job openings for HR manager.

HR specialists are also useful in large companies with a high level of recruitment and a large staff, as well as in independent staffing agencies.

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The Data Scientist Profession Sun, 23 May 2021 21:21:00 +0000 Let's begin our introduction to the profession with the field in which Data Scientists work. Data Science is the science of data, which deals with the study of data, its analysis using various methods, and the subsequent transformation of data into useful knowledge

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Let’s begin our introduction to the profession with the field in which Data Scientists work. Data Science is the science of data, which deals with the study of data, its analysis using various methods, and the subsequent transformation of data into useful knowledge. It used to be possible for humans to process data manually, but now the amount of data has become so huge that it often requires artificial intelligence to process it. Therefore, science actively interacts with machine learning, mathematics, statistics, and data analysis.

We are constantly surrounded by the results of Data Scientists’ work, for example, we watch the weather forecast every day, advertisements offer us certain products, airline services predict ticket prices, doctors can use software to predict diagnoses, and voice assistants fulfill many of our requests. All of this and many other things are managed by a data scientist. A Data Scientist is a professional who looks for patterns in large amounts of data, analyzes and stores it. The Data Scientist profession is considered one of the highest paid and most complex in the IT world.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that Data Science has become an integral part of the future. It is now actively used in startups, IT companies, and various businesses to provide the most accurate data and predictions, to be closer to the user, to automate their decisions, and to improve business margins.

The demand for Data Scientists is growing every year. For example, according to job search website Indeed, there were 29% more Data Scientists jobs for 2019.

Data Scientists are constantly looking for patterns and trends in huge data sets, using a variety of aces, techniques, and critical thinking to find practical solutions to real data-centric problems. Let’s talk more about what data scientists do.

What does a Data Scientist do?
The tasks of a data scientist are:

Finds hidden patterns and connections while examining data;
analyzes the data according to the necessary criteria that will show the effectiveness of the model being created;
visualizes the data;
programs and trains the machine learning model;
evaluates with colleagues the model in terms of economics;
identifies rich data sources, joins them with other potentially incomplete data sources, and cleans up the resulting set;
analyzes risks;
analyzes internal processes;
handles model implementation in existing infrastructures;
refines the model and monitors processes;
proposes new directions for client business development;
Develops reports and forecasts;
advises executives and the product manager based on the findings.
Thanks to the work of Data Scientist, business makes the right decisions and is ahead of its competitors, products become closer to users and people’s lives become more convenient.

In order for data scientists to excel in this field, it is often not enough for them to be effective simply in transforming masses of unstructured data into a form suitable for analysis. It is also desirable to be able to analyze the processed volumes of data themselves, to conduct factual analysis.

Data Scientist does not equal Data Engineer
You need to understand that these are not the same thing.

Data Engineers provide quality data infrastructure on projects and focus on integration, modeling, optimization, and data quality. These professionals also influence applications in an operational context in the areas of analytics, microservices architecture and operational analytics. It turns out that Data Engineers develop, test and maintain the data infrastructure, as well as deal with data: cleansing, processing and transforming it. Already cleansed data goes to analysts and Data Scientists.

The two professionals have different goals: Data Engineers work on the creation of a machine learning algorithm maintenance pipeline. And Data Scientists test hypotheses in the data system, and write algorithms. Both professionals want to make data accessible and quality and often work together. Hence the constant confusion in their duties and responsibilities.

For example, Data Scientists extract insights from data for company strategy, decision making and algorithm implementation. And Data Engineers work as a team to improve analyst productivity and be a liaison between the various participants in software development.

They say that to become a Data Science specialist you need to study all the time, but this can be said about many professions. Let’s understand what knowledge you will need in this profession if you just got into it, as well as if you are already working in a junior position and plan to grow.

Requirements for the profession
What should a novice Data Scientist know?
A data scientist should be able to write code. A data scientist is involved in writing a model to evaluate hypotheses, analytics, or evaluate data. There is no way to do this without knowledge of the basic programming languages used in Data Science. You will need knowledge of:

Java, Hive to work with Hadoop;
Python – its basics and an understanding of how to work with it in data analysis. Also get to know Matplotlib, Numpy, Scikit, Skipy;
SQL – for data extraction;
C++ with BigARTM, Vowpel Wabbit, XGBoost;
R language, which will come in handy for calculating statistics.
The data analyst should take courses in mathematical analysis, mathematical statistics, linear algebra, and know what probability theory is. This knowledge will be useful for making predictions, working to find patterns, and building mathematical models.

In mathematical analysis, you will need derivatives, the rule of differentiation of a complex function, and gradients. Descriptive statistics, experimental planning, and machine learning will need to be studied in a statistics course. Linear algebra is needed to understand the mechanisms of machine learning, there pay attention to vectors and spaces, matrix transformations.

Machine learning.
Without it in your work is nowhere. Machine learning is needed to create new models and retrain existing models. It is also related not only to artificial intelligence, but also to genetic, evolutionary algorithms, cluster problems, and so on. With machine learning, Data Scientist’s work with large amounts of data becomes effective.

Deep Learning.
To lead machine learning projects, you will need to understand how neural networks are structured and learn the basics of deep learning.

Domain Specifics.
Understanding how a product works and creating the right model requires knowledge of the domain in which you work. Data Scientists work in all sorts of industries, the most popular of which are marketing, healthcare, and economics. If you do not have the necessary profile knowledge in advance, do not worry, you will definitely get them on the project.

A must for any specialty in IT. English will help you in your work when communicating with foreign clients and colleagues in a multinational team. You will also encounter English while working with different frameworks and technologies, and in your development: a lot of technical literature is published only in English.

If you already work in Data Science, you are probably familiar with all these requirements. For experienced data analysts, of course, they are different.

Requirements for an experienced data scientist
Some experts describe a successful Data Scientist as a hacker, analyst, communicator or trusted consultant. Let’s understand what kind of skills you’ll need.

In addition to the hard skills we described above, you need to have:

Experience developing machine learning and deep learning models with Hadoop, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, Scikit-Learn, Pytorch, MLLib and other frameworks;
In-depth knowledge of one of the areas of Machine Learning precedents;
Experience with SQL and BigData tools like Spark/Hive;
Experience with visualization tools Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborne.

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